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What is QuickUp?

QuickUp is a markup language designed for documentation and to be easily translated into other markup languages. It can be used for the Web, emails, and papers.

QuickUp Specification

The QuickUp Specification is a document that determines the standards of a version of QuickUp.

QuickUp Specification 1.2 revision 1

Old Versions

QuickUp Specification 1.2 QuickUp Specification 1.0 revision 3 QuickUp Specification 1.0 revision 2 QuickUp Specification 1.0 revision 1

QuickUp Studio

QuickUp Studio is a web application to aid in the creation of QuickUp, HTML, MarkDown, and BBCode documents.

QuickUp Studio 1.0 (Work in Progress)

QuickUp Compiler

The QuickUp Compiler allows you to convert QuickUp markup into HTML, MarkDown, JSON, and many other formats.

Open Latest Compiler (2.1)

Old Versions

Compiler 1.0